Much ado about nothing

Much ado about nothing
Give me God, family, friends and puppies!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day!

Ok, this morning I woke up to rain....again. I'm soooooo tired of this ugly weather. I want to be outside for a change, walking my dogs or planting flowers. Just to sit and watch my maple tree leaf out is exciting for me at this age.
First off I want to say something. I'm a new blogger. Don't have the foggiest notion of what I'm doing. I'm no computer wizard either so don't know how to set up my page like everyone else. Where do you get all your pictures and decorations? I went into design but just don't get it. I'm sorry and apologize for my "lack of smartness". Maybe, one day I'll figure it out.
Secondly, All my children and grandchildren are grown. The only babies at my house are four legged ones, and I have three, two toy pomeranians and one toy poodle. If you aren't a dog lover you may as well move on because I talk about my animals like most people talk about their children.
Thirdly, I love the lord. I have a wonderful church family and they mean a lot to me. That doesn't mean I'm going to shove religion down your throat.
I'm one of those people that thinks whatever your religious views are, they are personal....between you and God, and that's where I'm comfortable with it right now. Doesn't mean I'll change my thoughts later. Occasionally I forget my original thought so have to think up a new one (you seniors out there know what I mean?)
Fourthly, my husband has been diagnosed with alzheimers. I don't think its right. I think he has dementia. He doesn't have a lot of the symptoms my dad had and he had alzheimers. Anyway we're both type II diabetics so if anyone out there has a mate with either of these two diseases I'd love to hear from you.
My son came over this morning. He paid all our bills and ordered our meds. He does this for me every month and its wonderful. He took all that stress off me and I love him for it. He's applying for a new job. Hope he gets it.
He deserves a break. Its been a rough winter financially for him.
I think its time for lunch so guess I'll got hit the cottage cheese. Have a good day y'all.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Puttin on the Spitz

Mina and I had more or less settled into a routine by now. Each morning she glared at me as I prepared for our "daily ritual." I'd taken all her gowns home, cut them down the back with a tie at the top. Much easier on both of us!
By now her bed sore was gone and she was feeling pretty good. She enjoyed her meals; (except of peas) and you never saw her without a glass of water (her gin) in her hand. Occasionally I'd give her a straw and she'd try to smoke it.
This particular day I decided to take her to the beauty shop for a hair cut. Her silver hair was naturally curly and fell in big waves. She was being very quiet today, looking around, smoking her straw, and sipping her gin. She'd carry on conversations with imaginary friends, laugh and shake her head. I finished her hair and combed it into soft waves around her face; I then turned her around facing the mirror and told her how pretty she looked now. She gave me one of her famous drop dead stares then repeatedly ran her hands all over her head."I hate it,hate it, hate it!" she said hatefully;followed by;"get the hell out of here and don't come back!" I stepped around the corner so she wouldn't catch me laughing then returned to her blank stare. She was somewhere else in her mind now and mumbled something inelligable.
I decided to let her sit up front next to the nurses station while I changed her bed. Our meds nurse had a foul disposition most of the time and looked at Mina hatefully.
"Do you own this ranch?" Mina asked her evenly. "Yes I do," replied the nurse. "Well you serve lousy wine here!" Mina spat, and with that she poured her water out onto the carpet!
I took her back to her room and got her settled into bed. Mina was getting a new roommate this afternoon. I hoped she'd be civil to her.
Two strapping sons wheeled their mom into our room. She was as tiny as a child and appeared very frail. Her hair hung down to her waist and her pale blue eyes twinkled mischieviously.
"Hello dear," she said pleasently. "My name's Eppie Pepper." I loved her instantly!
Eppie and I became great friends. Every day as soon as I got some free time I'd comb her hair into a bun on top of her head and top it off with a flower or butterfly. In return she would roll herself over to the side of Mina's bed and talk softly to her. I later learned that she alone had raised her two sons by working in a factory packing oranges. Her little gnarled, arthritic hands showed years of hard work. They must have given her lots of pain but she never complained. She always had something positive to say about the day. When she passed I missed her very much.
We were informed the facility was going to have men working on our doors and this week they would be shellacking all of them. By now I'd discovered that Mina hated men. Not just certain men. Oh no! She wasn't particular! She hated them all! I knew she'd be a mess once the painters got to our room. I wasn't disappointed. The little Hispanic man opened a new can of shellac and sat it on the floor. I was feeding Mina lunch. She seemed to be quite interested in what she was eating until we came to the green peas. I gave her a bite and she flashed those brown eyes at me, leaned over the side of her chair and spit them into the new can of shellac, ruining it. The little man looked at Mina,shocked, then at me and jabbered something in Spanish. Diana (our activity director) happened to be walking by and did a double take, started giggling as she came into the room. She spoke Spanish so could translate. But she didn't. I told her what Mina had done.The painter was waving his hands around and chattering excitedly. He left the room with bucket in hand.
I returned to work on Monday to find Mina sopping wet and clinging to her side rails. One of the aides had accidentally rolled her out of bed over the weekend. Now she was terrified of falling.By now she referred to me as "boy" and refused to address me by any thing else. Her gown and sheet were also wet and her breakfast cold so I cleaned her up before going to the kitchen for a new tray. They hated to see me coming but knew I wouldn't stand for her to be fed cold food. By the time I got back to her room the meds nurse was making rounds. They usually let me give Mina her meds. I'd mix her vitamins with her applesauce and she took it with no problem, but this morning the nurse walked into the room and informed me that she would give Mina her meds. I asked if I could mix her vitamins with the applesauce and she said no, that she'd been doing meds for a long time and commented that surely by now she knew how to do her job effeciently. "You probably might want to re-think giving her the vitamins though. I'd be glad to do it for you." Nope! she was having none of that so my suggestion went out the window and she approached Mina's bed. Mina began flaying her arms and turning her head from side to side, cursing loudly as she protested. The nurse finally shoved the plastic cup up to her mouth and poured it in. I stepped out into the hall just as the nurse screamed. She walked out into the hall with vitamins dripping off her curls. Bless her heart. She'd just gotten a new perm and now it was a sticky mess. I refrained from saying,"I told you so," as I ran for a towel.
Whewh, remembering all this stuff sure takes me back, but now its time for a breather so I'll stop here.